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Ilias Cheliotis, Αdamantia Logotheti, Kostas Andritsos, Filimon Zacharatos, Amaia Pesquera,
Amaia Zurutuza and Ioanna Zergioti
"Flexible Graphene FETs fabricated by Laser Induced Forward Transfer",
oral presentation, SPIE Photonics Europe
7-11 April 2024, Strasbourg France
Adamantia Logotheti, Ilias Cheliotis, Dimitris Kaltsas, Filimon Zacharatos, Amaia Pesquera, Amaia
Zurutuza, Doron Naveh, Leonidas Tsetseris and Ioanna Zergioti (presenter)
"Laser induced transfer of 2D materials for optoelectronic applications",
oral Presentation, SPIE Photonics West, LASE symposium,
28 January - 2 February 2023 San Francisco, California, United States
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